Portfolio Details
Project information
- Client: SMAN 21 Makassar
- Framework: Laravel 9
- Programming language: PHP, HTML, Javascript, Bootstrap
- Project URL:
Project Description
This project is an Information Management System developed for SMAN 21 Makassar, designed to display comprehensive information about the school. The system provides easy access to important details and updates for both students and the wider school community. Key features of the website include:
- School Overview: Displays a brief history of the school, including the vision and mission, organizational structure, logo, and motto.
- Rules and Regulations: Provides information on the school rules and code of conduct for students.
- Educational Staff: Includes detailed information about the teaching and administrative staff.
- School Activities: Features articles, announcements, and a gallery showcasing various school activities and events.
- Extracurricular Programs and Achievements: Highlights the extracurricular activities available to students as well as the achievements of the school.